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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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Opticheskii Zhurnal. 2020. V. 87. № 2.

Biomedical optics

Boyko, E.V., Gatsu, M.V., Izmaylov, A.S., Kalintseva, N.A., Melikhova, M.V., Papayan, G.V., Serebryakov, V.A.

Optical coherence tomography angiography in the diagnosis of ophthalmologic diseases: problems and prospects (Review)

Physical optics

Zarutskiy, I.V., Kuraptsev, A.S., Manoylov, V.V., Fofanov, Y.A.

Statistical analysis of the data of highly sensitive laser polarization-optical probing of magnetic nanofluids

Calculation, design and manufacture of optical systems

Verkhoglyad, A.G., Zaviyalov, P.S., Maksimov, A.G., Mareeva, N.E., Soldatenko, A.V., Stupak, M.F.

Development of a high-resolution objective for an IR image synthesis system

Laser physics and technique

Bogdanovich, M.V., Grigoriev, A.V., Dudikov, V.N., Lepchenkov, K.V., Ryabtsev, A.G., Ryabtsev, G.I., Shpak, P.V., Shchemelev, M.A.

Thermo-optic properties of diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers with ceramic and crystalline active elements

Iconics - the science of the image

Dovgan, A.N., Sizikov, V.S., Tsepeleva, A.D.

Restoration of nonuniformly smeared images

Optical material science and technology

Glebov, V.N., Goryachuk, I.O., Dubrova, G.A., Malyutin, A.M., Sokolov, V.I.

Optical properties of complex fluoride films obtained using vacuum electron-beam evaporation

Guzman-Olguin, H. J., Zuñiga-Bravo, M. A., Lopez-Mancera, J. A., Hurtado de Mendoza-Lopez, A., Khotyaintsev, S., Hernandez Reyes, D. A.

Application of fiber optic light guides with quartz core and cladding and plastic coating as indicators of the emergence of cracks in brickwork