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ISSN: 1023-5086


ISSN: 1023-5086

Scientific and technical

Opticheskii Zhurnal

A full-text English translation of the journal is published by Optica Publishing Group under the title “Journal of Optical Technology”

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General provisions


The policy of the journal’s editorial board is based on international practice in terms of copyrighting, on ethical principles supported by the community of the leading publishers of the scientific periodicals Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


The activity of the editorial team is aimed at informing the broader scientific audience about the new scientific developments and technologies. The main principles of the editorial team are accuracy, scientific importance and topicality of the published articles.


The procedure of receipt, consideration and publication of scientific articles is public.


The materials forbidden for publication by the legislation of the Russian federation are not accepted by the editorial staff.


The editorial team is responsible for the quality of the published scientific articles, and supports the initiatives aimed at reduction of quantity of the researchers’ misguided actions and ethics violation.


The negative results obtained by the authors during the research may still be published in the journal. The editorial staff welcomes the scholarly disputes and experience exchange on pages of the journal.


Ethical principles for editors


The editorial team follows the ethical principles of COPE:

- editorial impartiality;

- confidentiality compliance (in relation to the research participants, the authors and the peer reviewers);

- research ethics observance when reviewing the articles, support of honest scholarly discussion between the authors and the peer reviewers;

- privity of contract between the publisher, the editors and the authors;

- cooperation in intellectual property and copyright protection;

- rejection of the article’s manuscript in case there are some earlier published materials of other authors without the reference to primary sources (plagiarism);

- nondisclosure of the authors’ and peer reviewers’ personal data and other information received during the professional cooperation;

- introduction of the editor’s alterations upon agreement with the authors.


Ethical principles for peer reviewers


The editorial staff supports the following basic principles for the peer reviewers:

- peer reviewing of the manuscripts, for estimation of which they have sufficient knowledge;

- timeliness of the peer reviewing;

- expert assessment confidentiality compliance;

- objectivity and utility when peer reviewing;

- notification to the editorial team about the conflict of interest;

- the origin of the manuscript, nationality, sex, religious and political convictions of the authors should not influence the peer review content;

- the peer reviewers should not use the information received during the peer reviewing for personal purposes or in favor of other persons.


Ethical principles for authors


The authors of the materials presented to the editorial office are responsible for reliability of information in these materials, for conformation of the materials to the statutory regulations, morality and ethical standards.


The editorial team expects that the authors follow these principles:

- correspondence of the articles’ materials to ethical standards and legal rules;

- originality and scientific novelty of the researches;

- reliability of the obtained results; the researchers should make efforts to describe the methodology of the research performance clearly and definitely, so that the other researchers could confirm the obtained results;

- objective discussion of the research significance;

- acknowledgement of the other persons’ contribution; references to the sources are obligatory;

- indication of all the participants of the research contributed to it as the co-authors;

- informing about the major errors or inaccuracies in the publication and cooperation with the editorial staff to correct the revealed errors as soon as possible or to withdraw the publication;

- absence of borrowings without the references to primary sources (plagiarism).